What's Your Compass? Tips To Begin 2022 Mindfully and Intentionally

It’s January 1, 2022.

For some, New Years means writing down ambitious goals and dreaming big. For others, it means an eye roll and face palm—what’s the point, it’s just another day!

In either case, I think beginning the New Year with mindful reflection and intentionality is something everyone deserves to set aside time to do. Yes, YOU!

Where to start, you may ask?

Let’s begin with acknowledging what you’re proud of doing in 2021. It could be something external such as getting a raise at work or deciding to go to therapy, or it could be internal such as becoming better at setting boundaries or sticking to a meditation practice. Whatever it may be, take 5 minutes right now to write down at least 3 reasons you’re proud of yourself—it can be big or small. Grab your pen and paper and set the timer for 5 minutes. Don’t worry, I’ll wait! :-)

As a personal trainer who works at a gym, I hear a lot of “diet talk.” In fact, I’m ready to go into work inundated with comments about food, fitness, and ways to “fix” our bodies. However, I have a different approach that I’d like to invite you to try. Take some time to reflect on some of your core values. What are the things that bring purpose and meaning to your life? What makes you feel like you’re living out your best self?

For example, some of mine include: authentic connection, creative expression, working hard at the things that are important to me, taking care of my body and mental health, cultivating a meditation practice.

It’s easy to lose touch with our core values during times of stress, external responsibilities, and with all that life throws at us—um, pandemic, obviously! However, remembering and reconnecting with our core values can help bring us back to ourselves if we feel we’ve been swept away in the chaos of life. Take 5-10 minutes (or more!) to write down at least 5 of your core values. If you need some guidance as to where to start, ask yourself the questions mentioned above.

Once you’ve written down what some of your core values are, think of a few practical ways to cultivate, align and implement them into your life. For me this looks like making sure I schedule meaningful get-togethers with close friends, set aside time to journal, write and play music, etc. This not only helps to keep me from becoming ungrounded, but also helps bring me home to myself when things do get tough.

At the risk of sounding too “New Years Resolution-y,” — hear me out — ask yourself: What is one mindset habit I'd like to let go of?
For example:
- perfectionism and being too hard on yourself
- trying to control people or things that are out of your control
- comparing yourself to others
- overcommitting to other people at the cost of your own well-being

In exchange for that mindset shift, reflect on a word, phrase, or quote that can take the place of what you’re trying to let go of. For example, I love picking a word or two every year that aligns with the trajectory I want. My words this year are thrive (I have some professional, personal, and creative goals I am set after) and savor (taking time to mindfully enjoy food, slow down to soak in a beautiful sunset, etc). My intention for choosing these words is to use them as a little compass to make sure the decisions I’m making throughout each day are bringing me closer to the path I have set for myself.

Lastly, don’t forget that you are already enough. You do not need to fix yourself to earn love. Just step into who you truly are, and that is enough. <3

I hope these exercises helped you feel grounded and hopeful for the coming year! Feel free to comment below any of your intentions or ideas you have as well!

Serenity and love,
